Management Board of CPD spółka akcyjna with its registered office in Warsaw (hereinafter: the ”Issuer” or the ”Company” or “CPD” or the “Acquiring Company”) on the basis of art. 504 in connection with art. 4021 § 1 in connection with art. 5161 of the Commercial Companies’ Code (“CCC”):
I. notifies for the second time the shareholders of CPD on the intention of merger between CPD as the Acquiring Company with BUFFY HOLDINGS NO. 1 LIMITED with its registered office in Nicosia in Cyprus, a limited liability company organized in accordance with the laws of Cyprus, address: Kyriakou Matsi, 24, Palaichori, 2740, Nicosia, Cyprus, entered to the register of companies maintained by the Ministry of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism of the Republic of Cyprus under the registry number HE 166076 (hereinafter: “BUFFY” or the “Company being acquired”) as the company being acquired.
Details of the merger have been specified in the Plan of Merger agreed on by the Management Boards of the Issuer and BUFFY on 22 December 2017 and were published in accordance with art. 5164 § 1 second sentence of CCC on the CPD’s website (, which therefore shall not be subject to announcement in court gazette Monitor Sądowy i Gospodarczy. In accordance with art. 516 § 4 in connection with art. 5161 of CCC.. Plan of Merger is available to general public free of charge at the above specified website for the period of at least 1 month prior to the date of submission of the application to register the merger.
Documents referred to in art. 5167 § 1 of CCC (except for the expert’s opinion on the examination of the Plan of Merger due to the fact that CPD is a sole shareholder in BUFFY, and therefore on the basis of art. 51615 § 1 of CCC and Section 201V (1) (a) of the Companies Law of Cyprus, Cap. 113, the Plan of Merger does not require the examination by an expert) shall be available for the review by the Shareholders for the period of at least one month starting from the date of publishing of the periodic report including the first notice to the shareholders of CPD on the intention of the merger, i.e. from 4 April 2018 until the date of adoption of the resolution on the merger, in the registered office of the Company (address: ul. Cybernetyki 7B, 02-677 Warsaw) during business days excluding Saturdays from 9 am till 4 pm.
Shareholders may request that the official copies of the above documents be made available to them free of charge in the offices of the Company.
II. in view of the above, Management Board of CPD with reference to the periodic report no 15/2018 of 3 April 2018 informs that for 8 May 2018 the Extraordinary General Meeting has been convened which shall be held at 11:30 in the registered office of the Issuer, ul. Cybernetyki 7B, 02-677 Warsaw. Notice of the Extraordinary General Meeting, draft resolutions, forms for exercising the right to vote by a proxy as well as information on the number of shares and votes which can be downloaded from CDP’s website at, have all been attached to the above referred current report.
Signatures of persons representing the Company:
Elżbieta Donata Wiczkowska, President of the Board, April 26, 2018