2010 Current Reports EN

4/2010 The introduction of shares series B of Celtic Property Developments S.A.to the stock exchange main market trading.

The Management Board of Celtic Property Developments S.A. (” company “) has announced today information that the Management Board of Warsaw Stock Exchange S.A. took a resolution No 1397/2010 dated 21 December 2010 regarding:

1) the introduction on the 23rd of December 2010 (Thursday) to the stock exchange parallel market 34,068,252 of ordinary shares in bearer series B CELTIC Property Developments S.A. with a nominal value 0,10 PLN each, assigned by the National Depository of Securities with the code PLCELPD00013

2) the quotations of companies shares in the system continuous trading under the abbreviation “CELTIC” and the indication ‘CPD’

Legal basis: § 34 sec. 1 point 1 and 2 Decree of Minister of Finance dated 19th of February 2009 on current and periodic information published by issuers of securities and conditions for recognising as equivalent information required by law of nonmember state (Journal of Laws from 2009 No 33 item 259 with subsequent amendments).

Signatures of the persons entitled to representation:
1. Elżbieta Wiczkowska, Member of the Board, 12.21.2010
2. Christopher Bruce, Member of the Board, 12.21.2010

3/2010 Statement on the intention to publish consolidated quarterly reports, containing quarterly financial information

The Management Board of Celtic Property Developments S.A. (” company “) declares that intention is to provide Company consolidated quarterly reports containing quarterly financial information in refers to the paragraph 83 § sec. 1 Decree of Minister of Finance dated 19th of February 2009 on current and periodic information published by issuers of securities and conditions for recognising as equivalent information required by law of nonmember state.

In accordance to the above Celtic Property Developments S.A. does not intend to submit stand alone quarterly reports.

Legal basis: § 84 sec. 1 of the Decree of Minister of Finance dated 19th of February 2009 on current and periodic information published by issuers of securities and conditions for recognising as equivalent information required by law of nonmember state (Journal of Laws from 2009 No 33 item 259 with subsequent amendments).

Signatures of the persons entitled to representation:
1. Elżbieta Wiczkowska, Member of the Board, 12.21.2010
2. Christopher Bruce, Member of the Board, 12.21.2010

2/2010 Admission to official listing on stock exchanges parallel market of shares series B of CELTIC Property Developments S.A. and their conditional registration in the national securities depository

The Management Board of Celtic Property Developments S.A. (” company “) advises that the Management Board of Warsaw Stock Exchange S.A. on the basis of Resolution No 1387/2010 dated 20th of December 2010 decided to allow official listing on the parallel market 34,068,252 ordinary shares in bearer series B CELTIC Property Developments S.A. with a nominal value 0,10 PLN each.

Based on the Management Board Resolution No 843/10 of National Depository of Securities S.A. (KDPW) dated 17th of December 2010 The Management Board of KDPW admitted to the company status of the participant of KDPW typed THE ISSUER, registered 34,068,252 ordinary shares in bearer series B with a nominal value 0,10 PLN each and has marked them with PLCELPD00013 code, under condition of admission of these shares on a regulated market. Registration of these shares will take place within three days from the date of receipt by KDPW documents proving the release of the shares to trading on a regulated market.

Legal basis: § 34 sec. 1 point 1 and 2 Decree of Minister of Finance dated 19th of February 2009 on current and periodic information published by issuers of securities and conditions for recognising as equivalent information required by law of nonmember state (Journal of Laws from 2009 No 33 item 259 with subsequent amendments).

Signatures of the persons entitled to representation:
1. Elżbieta Wiczkowska, Member of the Board, 12.21.2010
2. Christopher Bruce, Member of the Board, 12.21.2010

1/2010 Accession to the electronic information transmission system

The Management Board of Celtic Property Developments S.A. (” company “) advises that on the 21st of December 2010 company has acceded to the electronic information transmission system (ESPI).

The company will start sending information using ESPI in accordance with polish law.

Legal basis: § 11 sec. 1 Rules for using the electronic information transmission system

Signatures of the persons entitled to representation:
1. Elżbieta Wiczkowska, Member of the Board, 12.21.2010
2. Christopher Bruce, Member of the Board, 12.21.2010


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